
Indonesia Best Brand Awards 2023

New Articles / By Admin

Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2023 kembali diselenggarakan Majalah SWA dan MARS. Penyelenggaraan tahun ini adalah yang ke-21. Ada ratusan brand asli Indonesia yang selama 21 tahun terakhir ini telah berhasil mendapatkan pengakuan best brand lewat ajang bergengsi ini…

Operation Strategy through E-Sourcing

Opinion Articles / By Hery Kameswara

Large firms have been trying hard to balance their operation strategy and cost reduction for material purchase ever since the free trade era was introduced. As noted by Robert Kaplan in his Strategy Maps, long-established firms with large market share tend to opt productivity improvement strategy …

Kicking off a collaboration project with Ministry of Agriculture

News Articles / By Admin

As the world enter new decade, a collaboration between Mars Indonesia Digital and Ministry of Agriculture is kicking off. In meeting rooms of Ministry of Agriculture (8/1/2020), a collaboration project has kicked off that saw Ministry of Agriculture and MID trying to tackle the issue of variety of commodity price modelling …

Indonesia Best Brand Award 2019 by Mars and SWA

News Articles / By Admin

2019 series of IBBA, our big annual event presenting research results on best brand in Indonesia, had been held successfully. Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2019, is annual award events that had been ran since 2002 by Mars Indonesia Digital and SWA Magazine …

Data Science Training Series with AUTO2000

News Articles / By Admin

Adapting to modern landscape of data-driven company, AUTO2000 collaborates with Mars Indonesia Digital through series of Data Science Training. Our CEO, Hardi S. Mukharram, together with AUTO2000 full management team, opens the “Data Science Training Series” …

Data Science Training Series with ACT

News Articles / By Admin

Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) collaborates with Mars Indonesia Digital through series of Data Science Training in effort to integrate holistic use of data in Philanthropy Industry. At Aksi Cepat Tanggap, advancements has been done to continue their integrations of data into their company life …

Business Intelligence Training with Tableau at BTN Learning Center, Tebet

News Articles / By Admin

BTN collaborates with MID to gives BTN’s Business Intelligence team employees an upgrading in Data Visualization skills. Effective data visualization tools are needed by Business Intelligence of a company to present their data and analyzations …

Introduction to Data Analytics Tools Training Series at Paxel

News Articles / By Admin

With Mars Indonesia Digital, Paxel run training in various data analytics tools for peers and employees. Paxel is one of the fastest growing same-day delivery service company in Indonesia. Being a modern company allows Paxel to generate some useful data throughout their operations …