Astra International Auto2000
Unearth data talents through
next-level training & capstones.
Scope of Work
Consulting · Mentoring · Support
Data Science Training & Capstone Projects

Unearth Employee Potentials
The rise of digital age produces wealth of data for companies to utilize. AUTO2000 collaborates with Mars Indonesia Digital to unearth potentials in their employee to make these wealth beneficials with series of trainings in data science.
Build Data Mindset
Abilities to contextualize decisions based on data takes the cake as the most required skill today. Employees are tasked with capstone projects to help them apply knowledge throughout trainings inside AUTO2000. Empowered with data mindset, business decisions will be made with justified value and strategies from now on.
Leap Over Competitors
Mars Indonesia Digital’s mentors are some of the well-respected names in Data Science, with background and experiences of overseeing data operations across various industries. These mentors tutoring’s enabled AUTO2000 to get firm footings in data utilization and leap over competitors.