An agriculture super app for smallholder farmers
Scope of Work
Design - Development - Implementation - Support
Mobile App Development

After decades of suffering lack of access to GAP knowledge, low cost-finance and free market, PT MID in partnership with PT Lumbungin and Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, designed a mobile app that would give smallholders a level playing field in agribusiness sector.
Despite the basic version of Lumbungin mobile app was launched to the public at the start of 2022 and successfully attracted 100K smallholders to join, PT MID responds to growing interest of members to have current version developed to enable them leveraging their resources more effectively in this lucrative but competitive sector.
As such, currently PT MID is mobilizing resources and expanding partnership to create a new version, what we called Lumbungin 2.0, as a mobile super app for millions of Indonesian smallholders that will help smallholders capitalize on a consolidated value chain information, advanced e-trade platform and weather forecast based-AI modelling for crops.